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Find My Passions

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Project: Find My Passions

This helped me because It assisted me in realizing what things I am passionate about. It made me think of multiple answers to questions and dig deeper to think of things that make me happy and what things I enjoyed. It also made me realize how much I share my love for things with my friends and family.

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Learn, Solve, Make, Do

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:24 AM EDT
Project: Learn, Solve, Make, Do

This activity helped me choose what I want to focus on in my PIP. It helped me organize my ideas into the four Learn, Solve, Make and Do categories and narrow down the ideas I had to what I wanted to do the most.

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Pick a Project

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:24 AM EDT
Project: Pick a Project

This activity helped me realize the pros and cons of each idea to pick which one I want to do. By putting the Pros and Cons in front of me, I could weigh the negative and positives of idea and decide what work I would have to do for each idea.

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Project Proposal

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:25 AM EDT
Project: Project Proposal

This activity helped me choose and plan my project and final product. After narrowing down my ideas, this activity helped me dig deeper into what the process of learning It would be, and how I would go about making my final project.