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I Completed the PIP Drawing

Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 8:47 PM EDT

I completed the drawing for my PIP. I had to learn how to blend colors and make the final drawing look good. I used a white colored pencil to make the drawing look smooth. Next, I will need to plan a presentation of it to show to others in school.

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Finshed drawing my bigger drawing

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 | 8:07 PM EDT

I finished drawing the bigger drawing for my PIP project. I realized that my paper was not perfectly proportioned to the image it is based off of. I fixed this by drawing the ground in sky to the sides of the image as well as the center. To finish the picture for the PIP, I will color it in with colored pencils.

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Completed the "Who Am I?" sections

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 | 1:22 PM EDT

I have worked on the about me section of the PIP and described myself. I was also tasked with working on a logo, project overview, and my collaberations. It is good to recognize how the project was completed.

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Finished my first detailed drawing for the Project

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:23 AM EDT

I have finished my first detailed drawing for the project. I used different pencils and thicknesses to show how far or close the trees are. I also used a variety of textures for the trees to show the positioning of the branches. Next, I will draw a larger picture that I will color in with colored pencils.

Inquiry, Agency
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Starting to draw a picture

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:23 AM EDT

I have began to draw a picture based on an image of scenery for my PIP. I am working on making sure the picture lines up well with the image. The drawing does not need to be identical, but it could reflect the image well. I have been using grids to balance out the drawing and to get straight lines. Once I complete the drawing, I will add color the the picture.

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Initial sketches

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:26 AM EDT

I began making some intial sketches of what I want the drawing to look like. I am trying to make sure I have the proportions right. This will help me when I eventually choose to start the real drawing.

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Taking Photos for the PIP

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:26 AM EDT

I have begun taking photos for my PIP project as thye can inspire my drawings. I am looking forward to turning some of these photos into drawings for the project. I am all set up and could begin soon.
