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Earth vs. Pollution

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 | 8:27 PM EDT

Society seems to be split down the middle on the subject of climate change. My picture here sort of shows that by representing the healthy Earth on the left with the river, and humans polluting it on the right with fossil fuels.

Img 4955

The Patience Picture

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 | 8:21 PM EDT

For this shot, my main idea was to get a picture of the speed limit sign with a blurry car zooming right past it to bring the sign to life and make it more interesting. Little did I know though, this shot would take a lot of patience along with lots of trial and error to get done. Sometimes I was too slow and wouldn't get the shot in time when a car passed by, and other times I was simply too early. I messed this up a couple times, but in the end I finally got it just right resulting in this beautiful picture.

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My Lucky Shot

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 | 8:19 PM EDT

Right here is an incredibly nice picture of the moon that I took one night. This picture happens to be one of my favorites because of how perfectly centered the moon is in between all of the trees. If you look close enough, you can see the moon sitting right in the middle with not one single branch covering it. I got this shot at the perfect time because about two minutes after I took it, the clouds took over the moon and it completely disappeared. Because of that, I consider this to be my lucky shot.

Untitled design

Practice Shots

Wednesday, April 05, 2023 | 8:07 PM EDT

Here are two of the many practice shots I took on my dad's Canon T4i. I mainly wanted to practice focusing the camera on a specific object(s) and blur out everything else to make it appear more noticeable and professional looking. I practiced this with many other things around my room but I am most happy with these two shots especially.